Health care of veterans focus of protest

Pullout of forces in Iraq, better treatment for the wounded urged at rally

By DENNIS YUSKO, Staff writer

First published: Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ALBANY — Simultaneously opposing the war in Iraq while supporting returning American troops is not only possible, but necessary, say Grannies For Peace.
The group of local grandmothers and other women was organized last year to advocate peaceful approaches to conflict resolution, social justice and other issues.

On Monday, members held a silent vigil for veterans’ health care at the Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center to draw attention to the billions of dollars a month spent keeping U.S. troops in Iraq, and the “scandalous neglect of the health needs of our returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and all veterans.”

Group members say they weren’t targeting the hospital but the nation’s priorities. Services for troops coming home with physical and psychological wounds could be improved by reallocating money from Iraq, members said recently at Friends Meeting House on Madison Avenue.

“We want the war over today, and we want the troops home immediately,” said Mabel Leon, a 66-year-old member from Schenectady and grandmother of four.

Grannies For Peace began as an offshoot of Women Against War, and the Capital Region-based group, which has dozens of members, has held numerous “actions,” as they call them, including protests at an Army military recruitment station and visits to the offices of both of New York’s U.S. senators.

Members believe it is not contradictory to support the troops and insist they leave Iraq. They also want to repeal the Military Commissions Act and the Patriot Act, and support closure of the Guantanamo Bay Naval base’s detention camp.

On Monday, the group called for more funding for Veterans Administration hospitals nationwide; expanded diagnostic and long-term services; gender-specific services for women veterans; physical and mental health screening; assistance with claims and access to specialized care; and screening of all war veterans for exposure to depleted uranium.

“There is a misconception about the peace movement that we don’t care about our soldiers,” Leon said. “But the interest in veterans is one of the top concerns of our group.”

Leon and member Micki Lynn of Delmar have been activists for many years. Lynn, a 66-year-old mother of one, picketed against the Vietnam war, apartheid, nuclear weapons and more.

At a recent Grannies rally against the Iraq war, she wore a poster bearing the image of Army Pfc. Melissa Hobart, who collapsed and died at age 22 while on guard duty in Iraq on June 6, 2004. “Mother. Sister. Daughter. Lover. Healer. Dancer. Friend. Athlete. Flute player. Reader,” it read.

There’s a lot of energy and organization associated with opposition to the Iraq war, Lynn said.

“This is a very intense movement. But if you look at the results, you can’t say at this point it is successful,” she said.

Today’s atmosphere differs from, say, the Vietnam era, when troops returned without fanfare and were called murderers by some protesters. The Grannies are less confrontational toward the troops. They hold the U.S. government accountable for the war in Iraq.

Maternal instincts brought the group’s members naturally to the concerns of veterans, Leon said.

“We view the soldiers as our children and grandchildren, and we are very concerned about the welfare of all of them,” she said. “We’re very concerned about the deaths and the services our soldiers need.”

Demonstrations by the group have been gaining increasing support from civilians and passing motorists, Leon said.

“We used to get more harassment than support. Now we get toots in favor and thumbs up.”

Dennis Yusko can be reached at 581-8438 or by e-mail at

Mother’s Day 2007

Satnd in Park M Day 4 Marcia (2) croppedThank you to all who attended our Stand in the Park for Peace event on Saturday, May 12th!

Grannies, Mothers, & Daughters joined together in a silent vigil at Albany’s Washington Park Tulip Festival. The group continued to expand until there were between 70 and 80 women. We did wonderfully at maintaining a strong and moving silence.

Stand in Park M Day 7 Joyce (2) croppedThis silent vigil took place in a number of cities & towns across the US, as well as in 70 countries throughout the world! It was inspired by the book,
The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering, by Sharon Mehdi

But Silence is Not Enough: For all our children’s sake, wage peace…
Express your desire for peace in the world…
Voice your outrage that we continue to wage war in foreign lands…
Show your community and government that you stand for peaceful solutions…
Gather with like-minded individuals in a spirit of love and harmony…

Stand in Park M Day Joyce 9Following the hour-long silent vigil, women spread out in pairs throughout the park, distributing leaflets about the event.

Click here to see more Mother’s Day pictures.

Silent Vigil

As we Stand in the Park for Peace from 1-2 PM, we are part of a Standing Women’s Global Village in 70 countries, on every continent, this weekend. We stand as a positive demonstration of our deep impulse to do what we can toward a better future for our children, grandchildren and the seven generations beyond.

  • As we stand, we can acknowledge that we are the ones who can create the positive future we seek.
  • In silence, we can invite our own deep wisdom, so that we may model the kind and gentle world that we seek for our children.
  • We can notice how it feels to be with all those who stand with us.
  • In follow-up conversations, we can take note of the visions and actions that arise for us and others.

To learn about Grannies for Peace: write

No More Taxes for Iraq

On Wednesday, April 18th, 2007, Grannies for Peace, a project of Women Against war, joined with Peace Action and Albany Friends Meeting in sponsoring this special vigil and leafleting campaign that brought attention to the link between tax day and the need to cut off funds for the Iraq War. Our Albany Vigil was  part of a network of actions coordinated across the country by Bay Area Grandmothers Against the War. We are pleased that Code Pink, of whichwe are a local affiliate, also organized events nationwide to link Iraq and taxes.


War is Warming

Women Against War co-sponsored a global warming event on Saturday, April 14, 2007 at the Lake House in Albany’s Washington Park, as part of Step It Up 2007, one of many events held in the area and around the country calling for changes in US climate policies.

The event included speakers, music, food, and discussion sessions, followed by a rally and march to the Capitol. Other sponsors included the Honest Weight Food Coop and many local environmental and peace and justice groups.

Warm2Grannies for Peace, a project of Women Against War, has created a flier linking war and global warming, that was handed out at the event. Several grannies copied the fliers for distribution in their communities or churches. There’s a lot of attention right now on global warming, so feel free to download the flier and distribute it in your office, neighborhood, faith community or at a global warming event in your area.

Mother’s Day 2006

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALeafleting to Prevent War against Iran

A dozen Women Against War members celebrated Mother’s Day 2006 by handing out fliers at the annual Tulip Festival celebration in Albany’s Washington Park.

Decked out in pink and wearing signs saying No Attack on Iranian Mothers and Children and Mothers’ Day for Peace, the leafleters were warmly received by almost all. Friendly “Happy Mother’s Day” greetings seemed to lower barriers, reaching many new people.Mother's Day 2006

1000 fliers were distributed in the first 45 minutes, with a Mothers’ Day Quiz about Iran on one side and a statement of concern about the moral tragedy of war on the other.

The event’s success led to a leafleting campaign at community festivals throughout the summer of 2006.

Mother's Day 2006

Mother's Day 2006Mother’s Day 2005
Op-Ed in the 
Albany Times Union

On Saturday, May 7.2005, the Albany Times Union carried an eloquent Op-Ed piece by Judith Fetterley, Women Against War activist and professor emeritus of English and Women’s Studies at the University at Albany: War is Not the Answer for Mothers.

Another useful resource: Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation, 1870