727 Madison Avenue
Albany NY
This is our regular monthly project meeting for November. As usual we will continue to educate ourselves and lobby for an end to US support for the Saudi led war on Yemen..
The amendments to the NDAA, which has been postponed until November, still need to be added and the amended bill passed. We agreed to contact our senators and representatives to urge them to work to get these amendments included in the bill and to get the bill passed. Representative Paul Tonko is on the committee reconciling the Senate and House versions, so he should be contacted, too.
In light of the escalating tensions with Iran since Trump pulled out of the JCPOA and since the trump administration has imposed maximum financial pressures, we are trying to work to encourage the EU to provide financial relief for Iran and to place great emphasis on repealing the 2002 AUMF that allows trump to take military action without Congressional authorization.
Iran updates and actions we can take (including post card supply): We have a supply of Hands off Iran postcards that people can use to lobby our representatives. We are planning to include them in our tabling at the Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living Fair: Sat, Nov 16, 10-4, Armory at Sage College