475 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
SPRING RISING – The Capital District Anti-War Demonstrations
Sat, Mar 21- PLEASE COME! Snow or No Snow!
Saratoga Springs: 12-1 in front of the Saratoga Post Office, 475 Broadway
On March 21st, peace activists around the country will hold demonstrations protesting the US endless war-making, timed to coincide with the start of the Iraq invasion in 2003. In Washington, DC, a protest in front of the White House and a march to the Capitol on the 21st will culminate several days of teach-ins and lobbying.
The protest goals are to increase opposition to wars and militarism, and in particular to US military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan & Syria, as well as US drone attacks and surveillance worldwide. Spring Rising also advocates the closure of US military bases overseas, the dismantling of the US nuclear arsenal, the demilitarization of police forces and a halt to their targeting of minority communities, and increased understanding of and resistance to US military operations’ acceleration of climate chaos. PLEASE BRING RELEVANT SIGNS!
SPRING RISING has been endorsed by numerous national and local groups including Code Pink, UNAC, Veterans for Peace and Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Here in the Capital District, our March 21st demonstrations are co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Grannies for Peace, Justice Committee of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Albany, Masjid As-Salam, Muslim Solidarity Committee, Palestinian Rights Committee, Peace Action, Project SALAM, Saratoga Peace Alliance, Southern Rensselaer Neighbors for Peace, and Women Against War.
For more information on what will happen in DC during from Wednesday March 18 through Saturday, March 21: https://www.popularresistance.org/calendar1/spring-rising-an-anti-war-intervention-in-dc/
Some from the Capital District will be going to DC. If you are interested in carpooling, e-mail: AlbanyMarchActions@gmail.com.